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Taking your shoes off before you enter your house can help the environment. How you may ask, well since your shoes have dirt on the when you walk inside it tracks it through the house. Then making you either to have to vaccum or mop up the dirty mess. That wastes electricity, water, and not to mention all your soap! If you just have a desginated area where you put your dirty shoes it can keep your house looking tidy and your floors clean all while saving the Earth. Everyone remember, even if you help a little bit it goes a long way! Make everyday Earth Day in your home!
Wooooo! Its Earth Day everyone! I'm so excited! It makes me happy every time I see someone participate! Today at my school they turned out all the hallway, cafeteria, and some classroom lights! It made me so happy! Plus it was kinda of cool to sit in the dark! Right now I have all my lights off in my room and I have my blinds open to soak up all that natural lighting (: Today I'm just going to tell you guys some easy tips to do and share with your friends and family!
- Instead of putting your laptop/computer in sleep mode put it in hibernation! Its basically the same accept it saves more energy and your battery.
- Instead of using a table lamp opt for using candle light, it'll save you money and make your house smell good!
- During the day if its really bright in your house don't bother to turn on the lights. Get your daily amount of Vitamin D and open all your shades and blinds!
- Try finding re-usable coffee filters! This will save you a major amount of cash.
- Switch your washing machine dial to use cold water! Did you know that 80-90% of energy of washing clothes goes into heating the water.
- Remove yourself from bulk mailing lists. It'll save paper!
- Recycle your plastic and paper grocery bags!
- Try using non-toxic soap when washing the dishes!
- Switch from a stove-top kettle to a electric plug in one! It takes a lot more energy to heat up one on the stove because its on there a lot longer than an electric one. An electric on takes less than half the time of a stove.
- When going out to dinner try to bring plastic containers to store your leftovers in instead of using the restaurants disposable ones.
- Try installing a low-flow shower head, it'll save tons of water each time you shower.
- Do not dump cooking oil, grease, or poultry fats down your sink. Its really hard on your plumbing, and it hurts the environment as well. How you may ask, well it kills all the pollution fighting bacteria and ends up going into our beautiful ocean killing even more creatures. Instead wait until all the gooky stuff cools then put it into a plastic bag and dispose of it in your regular garbage can.
Even though these tips seem like they can't help, they will. Each small step you take to make yourself a greener person it helps the Earth in a long run. Have a Happy Earth Day!
Lemons are not only good for lemonade now, they are great for disinfecting. Instead of using that dirty ole' sponge, slice a lemon down the middle and crush it flat. Then go ahead and clean the counters, stove, sink, and even the inside of your fridge! It'll make everything smell good too! So put away that air freshener! Now you have the power of lemon. Its wayyyy less hazardous than any other cleaner. Plus you know the ingredients (since its just a lemon!). If your a bit lazy (or you just don't want to constantly use up a lemon) you can squeeze out all the juice from one or two lemons and then put into a spray bottle mixed with water. Then voila, your own disinfectant! This tip will save you a great amount of money and if you are a lucky one with a lemon tree in there backyard then that's even better! There is no reason not to start using lemons!
Change your nail polish now! There is a brand I found out about called Suncoat, it has all organic or vegan products such as foundation, nail polish, and nail polish remover! Did you know that regular nail polish has chemicals (such as, toluene and amyl, butyl and ethyl acetate. I can't even pronounce those) in it that are neurotoxin. Toluene has even been proven to trigger some asthma attacks! Scary, right? Another freaky thing is that our nails are porous (meaning they are like pores on our face) and they can allow these toxins to get into our bloodstreams! To check out the nail polish click here! Suncoat is a water-based nail polish that has no toxins that hurt you or the Earth in it. The way this polish helps the environment is, all the other non-organic nail polishes have the toxins in it which absorb in to the air and can potentially harm the environment, while Suncoat polish doesn't!
So I was just searching the web, as usual, and came across this really cool new font. Its called eco-font, now its suppose to save ink whenever you print it. The font is designed with little white holes in it (like cheese) which when printed don't need ink to fill them and are instead left blank. It saves up to 20% of printer ink each print. Now that'll save you some money when buying printer ink. Download the font here! Also, while being in such an eco-friendly mood with using the font and such, you such really try to recycle your ink cartridges! Learn how to here!