Sunday, March 14, 2010

Go Organic!

Have you ever bought an apple and thought wow this thing is the size of my head! If so, that's defiantly not an organic apple! An apple is suppose to be around the size of the palm of your hand and when I mean palm, I mean that you can actually close over half of your hand around it. Now, that may seem small to you, but it is the natural size of the fruit. Natural size is the size of the fruit without growth hormones added to it. Growth hormones are added to fruits, vegetables, and meats to encourage excessive growth in a small amount of time. These are very unhealthy to the Earth and your body. When you eat produce or any food in that matter that has growth hormones in it, it adds unnatural substances to your body. Over time this can be very damaging on your immune system. The way it harms the Earth is it adds chemicals to soil which makes it become tainted and infects everything that grow in and around that area. Now, if this information is new to you this may sound pretty scary, but no worries there's an easy solution. Its pretty easy to figure out if something is Organic or not. You can tell by the size and most of the time if its truly Organic there will be some sort of label that says USDA certified. If you want to avoid the guessing game with your food then search around for a local farmers market. You can find all of your favorite in-season fruits and veggies. Sometimes you can even find meat there too!

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