Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Feeling Creative?

Once again I was surfing Internet and I was just thinking about random things. Like how much I spend on haircare products a year or how much plastic is wasted from the containers and bottles of the haircare products. Then I though, well I wonder if you can make your own hairspray. So I research some more and found out you can! Its so simple too and it will be saving tons of plastic and money! All you need is a lemon (or orange for dryer hair), water, rubbing alcohol, and a plastic spray bottle (a reusable one, of course!) First, you chop up the lemon or orange but leave the peel on. Then you place it in two cups of water and heat it on the stove. Allow it to boil until there is only half of what you began with left. Once it gets to the right amount, strain it a few times until all the extra pieces are out. After, add one ounce of rubbing alcohol in it as a preservative. Then place it into your spray bottle and keep it stored in your fridge. You can leave it in your bathroom, but if you keep it in the fridge it allows it to last longer. It only lasts two weeks when it is unrefrigerated. If you plan on making your own hairspray for a while, then go the extra mile and decorate your spray bottle! It'll keep it fun and cute, plus if your storing it in the fridge then you will know that its your hairspray and not something else! If your not too sure where you could find a plastic spray bottle, check out your local drugstore or target and check the travel section! Remember, using this tip will help the Earth and your wallet! I give credit to for this tip!

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